23 December 2005

Envy:Very Low
Lust:Very Low

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Oh Holidaaay

Okay, so today seems to be a better day. No reason in particular, just feels like a better day. It's the eve before Christmas Eve and I'm feeling festive. Da doo run run run da doo run run.

22 December 2005

That'll be $500 please...

Okay, so I hate vets...I mean, I guess I don't "hate" them, but they do aggravate me. So our dog Skeeto decided to break one of her nails and now she is in pain and limping...and there's not a fucking thing we can do about it. I called the vet and they told me, 'yeah, it'll cost you between $400 - $525 'cause we'll need to put her under and fix the nail and then she's gonna need antibiotics.' Okay, I didn't say she was going to need a liver transplant...Why the hell is it going to cost me upwards of $500 to get my dog's nail fixed? That must be some pretty fancy anesthesia...I want some!!!
Vets make it nearly impossible to have a pet treated unless you are very well off...and then they make you feel like an irresponsible pet owner because you don't have $500 underneath your couch cushion...and at Christmastime no less.
Whatever...so I called a pet clinic and she laughed aloud when I told her how much the vet hospital was going to charge me...she told me a high estimate would be around $140 - $160 ONLY IF they had to use anesthesia. Otherwise it would be $34 for the exam and then the cost of some antibiotics. Okay, so a little more reasonable...but again, here we are at Christmastime and the bank account is empty...guess I'll go spend the last dollar I have and hope that it produces the winning numbers for Saturday's lotto.

21 December 2005

Copied from Tony's blog

1. Four jobs you have had:
Hotel reservations asst. manager
Hotel front desk supervisor
Retail clerk (hated it!)
Emergency Roadside Assistance Dispatcher (we called ourselves ERAD's) - okay, not really.

2. Four movies you could watch over and over:
Ever After
The Shawshank Redemption
Delores Claiborne
Erin Brockovich
3. Four places you've lived:
Las Vegas, NV
Anchorage, AK
Lafayette, IN
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
4. Four TV shows you love to watch:
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Three Wishes
Desperate Housewives
House Hunters
5. Four places you've been on vacation:
Knott's Berry Farm
San Diego
Seattle, WA
6.Four websites you visit daily:
Katie's & Tony's blogs
7.Four places you'd rather be right now
Back in my warm bed underneath my warm blankets
In a cabin in the mountains in front of a fireplace

30 November 2005

Hot Girl of the Week...

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Bansidhe St. Quinlan, PCP (Paranormal Criminal Psychologist), Interpol.
It's all about the wavy red hair, the deep emerald eyes, those lucious lips and her ability to kick some major ass when it comes to fighting off thugs. She can also be as gentle as a lamb when she is working at her second job as a sideshow "freak."

Look... admire.... and realize that she is all mine. YEAH, BABY!

18 November 2005

We took the kiddies to see HP & The Goblet of Fire today...I must say that up until now, the movies have been as good as or maybe even better than the books...but this one fell short of my expectations. Book IV was really good and I even got misty eyed at the end. You're free to use your imagination when you read...creating your own characters, imagining what the monsters look like...and I understand with movies you can only do so much. I just didn't get into it as much as I have the others. The acting was mediocre at best. I could tell they were "acting". Of course, this is also the 4th director the Harry Potter movies have seen, so...
Let's hope for better with the next 3 movies...

Hasta Luego!

07 November 2005

I Hate People

Okay, so I pretty much dislike everybody at my job (save for one person who is a friend who helped me get the job) and I'm almost old enough to be everybody's father (not that I'm old mind you, they are just really young) *wink*
Anyway, back at the beginning of October during the 2nd group interview process, I brought it to the attention of the managers that I am a working actor and I also have kids in school and a wife who works full time, so I have a very specific schedule that I can work and cannot deviate from those hours. I explained to them that I have movie dates coming up (in which I am involved) and I requested November 10th - 14th off in the scheduling book, as instructed to do so by the "area supervisor" who was conducting the interview. She assured me that it wouldn't be a problem.
Okay, so here it is Nov. 6th and I get to work and I look at my schedule for the week and don't ya know they have me working on the 11th & 12th?! So I go to the back, and the new lady who had just been hired to do scheduling introduces herself to me, and I explain to her that I am not supposed to be working this weekend because of a prior engagement and she proceeds to tell me that my days off were NOT approved because it is the holidays and nobody gets time off during the holidays.
I was like, Ummm, listen missy, first of all I will NOT be working this weekend because during my 2nd interview it was APPROVED by "manager" & "area supervisor". And then she was like, "well you're going to need to find someone to cover your shifts because I cannot approve these days and I already have enough work on my hands trying to cover everybody else's shifts." And again I was like, Ummm, perhaps you didn't hear me the first time, but my schedule is not for YOU to approve. It has ALREADY BEEN APPROVED by "manager"...you know, the same manager who is also YOUR boss? Again, I will NOT be working this weekend and it is NOT my job to find somebody to cover my shifts...that's what they hired YOU for.
And then she STILL won't shut her fucking mouth! She goes on to say that I am really lucky that I started working there before she did, otherwise I wouldn't be working there now and that I have a bad attitude.
Oh my God, I wanted to punch her in the face! So she says she's going to discuss it with "manager", so I'm just waiting for "manager" to get in this afternoon so I can discuss it with her first before Krispy Fat Ass does.
Katie always tells me to choose my battles. Well this one is a battle that I will win. My time off was approved by the fucking manager and this bitch is trying to tell ME that no, in fact it is NOT approved and I WILL work or else...or else WHAT, BITCH?! You're gonna fire me? Go ahead. As it is I'm only making $6.75/hour and I'm lucky if I get 20 hours/week. Fire me and then you will not only have the daunting task of covering my shift, but you will then have to hire someone else whom you can bully around...but I can assure you, it AINT me! 'Cause I have NO trouble telling you how the cow ate the cabbage and where to get off the bus.


24 October 2005

Do you hear what I hear?

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So I was at work last night and they have the most God aweful music piped in via Satellite. Well one of the songs that came on was one by Annie Lennox called "Love Is A Stranger". I didn't like it and kept hoping that it would hurry up and go away. Well that night I came home and told Katie about it, (I didn't yet know that name of the song) and she was like, "oh that's weird 'cause I was sitting at the computer and this Annie Lennox song popped into my mind...something about love is strange, or in a car or something? I was like, THAT'S IT! And then she was like, "SHUT THE HELL UP!" And I was like, "I'M SERIOUS, THAT'S TOTALLY THE SONG THAT WAS ON!" And she was like, "SHUT THE FUCK UP. ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

So yeah...we do that ALL THE TIME. But this was by far the most freakiest (most smartest - *inside joke*) episode of telepathy we have experienced. I just LOVE us! :-)

13 September 2005

Rose Gilbert 1955-2005

The woman (Rose Gilbert) who played Hannah in Simon Peter for like the past 10 years moved to NY last year to follow her acting and singing career...she was doing so well! She got to sing in Carnegie Hall and she was on top of the world...

10 days later , this past June, she was found stabbed to death in her Queens apartment.

She was so cool. We used to talk and laugh so much during the production. I had the good fortune to be in 3 of the shows with her. What a wonderful and lively spirit she was!

They had a Celebration of Life for her in July...I only JUST found out today about her death because I decided to take a look at the Simon Peter website...kinda weird, huh? I haven't been to that website since March. It sure was nice of them to send out notices to everybody informing them (us) of this...

This world sucks. People like her don't deserve to die. I mean, what sense does it make? Here she has the courage to finally leave this place to follow her dream..she's doing so well and then she gets killed. It's like a big practical joke. Well I'm not laughing. People like Rose, who are genuinely good people, set out to follow the dream that God has put in their hearts, they make it and then BAM! O0ps, sorry...you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's bullshit! People like Rose should have special divine protection surrounding them.

I don't know...I don't even know if what I'm saying right now makes sense. I'm probably just talking out of my ass. I'm really bummed now and kinda pissed off.

I pray for peace and understanding for her family.

Rose is resting peacefully now with her Heavenly Father...

LOL Going back and re-reading this post makes me laugh...could you imagine reading something like this in the paper in the obituaries section?

11 September 2005


Remember those who lost their lives...

Remember those who give up their lives every day so that we may live...

Never take freedom for granted!

31 August 2005

Tony's interview for me...

1. Laura Bush vs Hillary Clinton in a no holds barred wrestling match. Who wins?
Hillary Clinton would throw down!

2. What is the one movie you wish EVERYONE was required to see?
Super-Size Me.

3. Seattle, New York, Miami or Los Angeles?

4. One word answer: What is your greatest fear?

5. Politics aside... who would you LOVE to see be president for a month?
Julia Roberts (as Erin Brockovich!)

23 August 2005

Judges Rule Same-Sex Couples Are Lawful Parents

SAN FRANCISCO (Aug. 23) - In the latest ruling to recognize rights of same-sex couples, the California Supreme Court has said gay and lesbian couples who raise children are lawful parents and must provide for their children if they break up.

...Being a legal parent "brings with it the benefits as well as the responsibilities," said Justice Joyce Kennard.

...However, groups opposing gay marriage decried the justices' actions.

"Today's ruling defies logic and common sense by saying that children can have two moms," said attorney Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel. "That policy establishes that moms and dads as a unit are irrelevant when it comes to raising children."

People always have to make it about themselves and their beliefs. I say to these people, 'go fuck yourselves!' If you don't believe in gay marriage, then good for you, but that's not what this case is about. It's about protecting the children - period! It doesn't matter if it's two men, two women or a man and a woman, if there's a child involved then it's the parents responsibility to provide for that child.
I'm glad CA is holding these parents accountable. If you run off and leave your partner, shame on you. But if you run off and leave your child, that is unacceptable and you must continue to care for that child until such time that child becomes a legal adult. You had just as much to do with conceiving that child as your partner did, and now that you no longer want to be a part of that, you can't just walk away. (...Being a legal parent "brings with it the benefits as well as the responsibilities," said Justice Joyce Kennard.) --->from above.

Maybe ya'll will think twice before jumping into that relationship and having a child. Cause, yeah...it's actually work. It's not a game.

A Message From God...

Pat Robertson Calls for Assassination of Hugo Chavez...
Televangelist Calls Venezuelan President a 'Terrific Danger' to the United States

On the contrary...it is the Christian Coalition that is a "terrific danger" to the United States and the WORLD, NOT Hugo Chavez! You've seen Fight Club? Here there are all these vehicles driving around town with these stickers in the window about Calvary Chapel something-or-other...and we always say, "fight club." It's one big cult! I know, I used to belong to it.

But I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Leslie Phillips was right on when she said:

"I need God, NOT the political church."

18 August 2005

My Literary Genius

So my wife has been conversing with Teresa Strasser who says she really enjoys reading my wife's writings. How COOL is that?!

I am very proud of her and hope that this turns out to be something she can do for a living. She'll be enjoying what she does and she does it SO effortlessly and flawlessly. Her talents are being wasted on those mindless, unappreciative fuckers at that insurance place...they don't deserve to be in her presence.

17 August 2005

So we took my mom to see Amy Grant in Phoenix last night. Another awesome show! This one spanned her 30 year career with earlier songs like: "El Shaddai", "Thy Word", "The Things We Do For Love", "Sharaya," "If These Walls Could Speak,"(the guy on keyboards is so fantastic he'll bring a tear to your eye on this one...), "Stay For A While," to later ones such as: "Simple Things," "Come Be With Me," "After The Fire," "Eye To Eye," and the ever-popular: "Baby Baby," "I Will Remember You," "Big Yellow Taxi," "Good For Me."

Her band members each did a song..."sweet home alabama", ...that is the only one I can remember...Katie's gonna have to tell me what the others were. That guy was awesome! He played the hell outta that guitar, OK!

The drummer was from Counting Crows...superb!

Anyway, it turned out to be a 3-hour show with a 15 minute intermission 1/2 way through, where they auctioned off a guitar autographed by Amy, for $11,500! (to benefit some children's thing)

The celebrity theatre in Phoenix is a thousand degrees inside and if you're taller than 5'7" then your knees are squished against the back of the seat in front of you. But the stage revolves slowly ( I think Amy said, "so two songs a turn then?") and that was a cool feature. A bit distracting at first but it turned out to be ok.

Now I wait patiently for Three Wishes...a show airing on NBC late September...stay tuned.

03 August 2005

10 Feel-Good Things to Do After Work

After work pick-me-ups are all a person needs to get their evenings off to a good start. Try any or all of these ten suggestions to boost your post-work fatigue:

Meet your spouse at the corner bistro for a spontaneous rendezvous. Send him or her some flowers with a note that says, "Let's meet for dinner."

(Do these people have children? I can barely muster the energy to face a drive through...)

Buy or pick fresh flowers. Their fragrant scent will uplift the most dire days.

(Good idea...I have always liked the ones growing in front of the office...)

Put on a happy face. Smile! It's a cure-all. There's always a bright thought or memory to think and smile about.

(I would NEVER think twice about someone smiling insipidly as they skipped merrily down the lane)

Make someone's day. Nothing beats doing a good deed for a person in need.

(No good deed goes unpunished)

Change your evening commute home. Walk down a different street, drive through unfamiliar territory, etc. A little can go a long way, and change is something we can all benefit from, as slight as it may be.

(What part of this seems like a good idea? Get lost in an unfamiliar neighborhood...how is that going to make me feel better? It would probably make me cry...Hello, Onstar?)

Putty-wrestle! Yes, that timeless rubbery toy is great for stretching your finger muscles. Pulling and yanking putty, according to the Dallas Morning News, is actually a favorite of therapists and athletes, who use it to help with arthritis, shoulder pains, and toning the hand and forearm. Squeeze your job related stress away with this five-dollar toy.

(Honey, get the silly putty ready, I've had a rough day...)

Slip on your favorite outfit. We've all got a favorite dress, or favorite pair of pants that make us feel like we're seventeen again. Crank up the stereo and strut your stuff around the house! Or at least take a photo.

(Another good idea. When I get home, I want to change into my "fancy" clothes and then complete my chores dressed in a beaded evening gown...at best, I'll have to have it cleaned, at worst, I'll ruin it...)

Eat outdoors. Weather permitting, make plans at an outdoor restaurant, or have dinner in your backyard.

(Bugs and monsoons)

Bake. There's nothing better than the sweet aroma of a cake baking in the oven. Our Recipe Exchange has some foolproof recipes for delectable sweets!

(Why not? It's only 110 degrees outside and I AM wearing my beaded gown)

Stargaze. When it's dark out, grab a blanket and lay outdoors next your family for some peaceful star watching.

(Wait for an unsuspecting neighbor to walk by and throw the blanket on them...laugh as they soil themselves and then run away)

by Katie.

26 July 2005

F@!# Lifetime!

okay, so I'm so pissed off. I hate American television!!! So I'm watching The Golden Girls (shut up) and it's the episode where all the girls are in Sophia's bed 'cause the heat went out, and Rose is on the side of the bed praying and Dorothy pretends to be God and tells Rose to get back into bed. Blanche says to Dorothy, "nice work," and Dorothy says, "It wasn't me." So Blanche says to herself, "sweet Jesus am I in trouble." Only we didn't get to hear her say Jesus 'cause they muted it! They muted the word JESUS.

THE NETWORK FOR WOMEN (AND GAY MEN) AND THEY MUTED THE WORD JESUS...Bush must own the network now. From this point on I will never watch Lifetime again and I plan to let them know.

But it's okay to say piss, and slut and whore...but don't you dare utter the name of our Lord and Savior!

Have you seen the new Dollar bills yet? Bush's face is depicted and on the reverse it says, "IN POLITICS WE TRUST."

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Oh how I miss the 80's...I'm listening to We Are The World (God I hate Bruce "I'm constipated" Springsteen, but I digress) ... that was a really cool time in my life, save for a few things I wish would not have happened, but I guess it molded me into a part of the person I am today...

This just really takes me back to when I lived in Chicago. I was 12, soon to be 13, and this was the 1st time I heard We Are The World.

It was when all girls (and some guys) just wanted to have fun.

We all did the Truffle Shuffle with Chunk and the rest of the Goonies.

Prince was IT, man and I knew every song and every move he made...It was me and Denise and Wendy and we performed for our parents and the neighbor kids...my God, what dorks we were!

My step mother has pictures of me dressed up as Boy George. :::shudders:::

Michael Jackson ruled the world and Cyndi Lauper actually gave a shit about her fans. I still enjoy her music but I will never go to a concert again - unless it's free!

Stand By Me was the movie of the year ( In my book anyway.)

My step brothers and I always went out to a wooded area and built a raft out of sticks and fallen tree limbs and sailed across the pond, in a land we dubbed "Fantasia," from The Neverending Story. I remember and will never forget the hundreds of water spiders that came up out of the water and onto the raft - that was the day we discovered it really is possible to walk on water, only we ran our asses off!

We constantly referred to each other as Skeksis and Gelflings and ran around outside looking for the crystal shard... I applaud anyone who reads this and can tell me what movie this is from (without having to look it up.)

This was also the 1st time I had actually witnessed the first snow fall. My brothers and I were looking out the window and it started to snow. I thought somebody was on the roof tossing styrofoam or something down. That would turn out to be a very cold and miserable winter for me.

I went back there 13 years ago while on vacation to D.C., decided to stop by and visit my brothers (who still lived in IL at the time), take a look around at our old stomping grounds...how sad that none of it was there anymore. It's all apartments and shopping centers now. Fantasia lives only in our memories. We must never forget.

What's your fondest childhood memory?

18 July 2005

Stupid driver on board.

Okay so I'm on my way to pick Katie up from work and of course, my luck being what it is, I get stuck behind a little blue car with three people in it and a sign on the back window that reads, "LEARNING FIVE SPEED, PLEASE BE PATIENT."


If you are driving down a busy street at five o'clock in the afternoon, you're ass ALREADY NEEDS TO KNOW how to drive a five speed! Why don't you take your car on the freeway during rush hour traffic while you're at it! Go to a deserted parking lot and drive til your foot falls off and your knuckles cramp up, but stay the fuck out of MY way until AFTER you learn how to drive, STUPID BITCH!

I'm evil and God forgive me for my actions, but I honked that bitch right off the road! She turned into a Carl's Jr. parking lot. LMAO.

My turn!

Ya'll have inspired me to write my own story. Here you can read a little teaser...you'll have to wait to read the finished product. Check back in a day or two, I should have it finished by then. Thanks.

*Updated 19 July.

Story is finished. Let me know what you think.

17 July 2005

Misheard song lyrics

Okay now I know we've all heard 'em, so here are some that we can think of...please add your own, too!

Correct: Bring me a higher love (steve winwood)
Wrong: Bring the entire loaf (I don't hear it, but "SOME" people do...) ;-)

Correct: Revved up like a deuce another runner in the night (manfred mann's earth band)
Wrong: Wrapped up like a douche and run her over in the night

Correct: I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one's hailing a taxi cab (alanis morissette)
Wrong: I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one's handing out maxi pads (thank you to Katie)

Correct: If you like pina coladas? (Rupert Holmes)
Wrong: If you like bean enchiladas

Correct: Don't cry for me Argentina (Madonna)
Wrong: Don't cry for me Marge and Tina

Correct: Light up the fire play some Nat King Cole (Amy Grant)
Wrong: Light up the fireplace with Nat King Cole

Correct: Whenever I call you friend (Kenny Loggins/Steve Nicks)
Wrong: Whenever I call you Fred

Who are the people in your neighborhood?

Okay so here is a list of names of neighbors that we and some of our friends have come up with over the years...please add to the list. It will be updated as needed.

The Gays
The Thunderstroms
The Bornagains
The Hypochristians
The Banner-days

16 July 2005

I'm so upset. I want to post my poems on here, but I cannot find the box which contained all my poems plus a poem book that I had printed up back in '93. That box contains my life, man! And I don't remember any of them on my own, damnit. *sigh*

Well, here's two for now...I may have posted them on an old blog...but here they are again... (And don't steal them, either!) :-)


Can anyone hear me screaming?
Does anyone notice the tears?
Feel the wind rush by as I'm running,
running from all my fears?

Does anyone see me falling?
Does anyone notice I'm gone?
How can you see me behind this mask
where I've been hiding for so long?

I look around and I'm lost,
All this chaos is driving me mad,
There's nobody here that I recognize,
Gone is everything I once had.

Blindfolded looking for truth,
Walking backwards into the night,
Smashing mirrors of my true self,
Afraid to look into the light.

Alone with no one to talk to,
In the cold with no way to keep warm,
I feel my soul slowly fading away,
Is there anything worth fighting for anymore?

Tell me you see me, tell me you care
Touch me and heal me, I don't want to be there.

Tell me you love me, tell me you see
Don't leave me alone, I want to continue to be.

Please don't leave me-


copyright 2004 mikal mullaly


So she asked if I’m happy with my life,
and I know where I am and I like it...
it’s not too often you get a clear view of your mind
when the world is aligned and your eyes see her beauty...

Now follow me down
to the well of disbelieving
and look inside your own life, it’s deceiving...
bring up the pale but leave the web you’ve been weaving
‘cause it’s your life now and like a book you keep reading...
to discover yourself you’re hell bent on never leaving
but you know it’s not real, it’s not water,
you’re bleeding...

And so I tell her I know where I’m going to be,
and I know who I am and I’ll get there...
and I won’t come undone when my fears overtake me
she sees the world in my eyes and to them she is my beauty...

Now follow me down
to the well of disbelieving,
and look inside your own life, you’re only dreaming...
of a world you’ve made caught in the web you’ve been weaving
but it’s your life now, you’re the book they’ve been reading
to discover the lie about the truth you’re deceiving,
and you know it’s not real, it’s not right
you're still bleeding...

you’re only dreaming of the truth,
but it’s a lie,
you're still bleeding
You’re Life
copyright 2004 mikal mullaly


noun: The act of erotic massage (e.g. candlelight, soft music, incense, lotion or oil) followed by an intense session of fornication.


13 July 2005

Yeah, RIGHT!

So yeah, that shit lasted a day...or not even a day...I picked up my wife from work and we were out at dinner time so we ate at McDonald's...however, I ONLY eat the fish sandwiches when I go there and we share the fries.

Anyway, Atkins Schmatkins...I'm only cutting bread out of my diet but I'm not gonna make myself sick by not eating carbs...mind you, I'm not gonna eat like I'm accustomed to...I'll eat 3 reasonable meals a day instead of snacking day and night.

Wow, tuna casserole sure sounds good right now.

12 July 2005

On my way to being a loser...

So today I started the Atkins diet. I am totally cutting bread and pasta out of my diet and walking on the treadmill for 60 minutes each day. That is totally doable and people have been losing a lot of weight by doing this ( I've witnessed with my own eyes friends who have dropped 40 lbs in less than 6 months.) If I lose at least 40 lbs by the end of the year...that'll put me right about where I need to be.

Wow, tuna casserole sure sounds good right now...

But this Atkins thing is not bad at all...I eat fish, steak, hamburgers, veggies, and now that we have a grill food tastes even better! And you don't have to totally quit eating carbs...you're allowed 21 grams/day. (you'd be surprised just how many grams of carbs are in the foods you eat - check out the nutritional value.) There's this particular type of bread we like to eat...each piece has 23 grams of carbs. Well NO MORE!

And to show you and myself how serious about this I am...I will post my weight each day and what I have eaten...

Day 1:
Weight: 205

2 large eggs, scrambled, with shredded cheese.

4 slices mozzarella cheese
3 animal crackers
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Hamburger patty (93% fat free, grilled)with 1 slice pepper-jack cheese
1/2 cup mixed veggies
1 cup bean & ham soup

Total carbs: 21 grams

09 July 2005

Why I don't blog...

Recently I was asked why I don't blog that often. Well, because I'm just a boring person, that's why. I really have nothing to say on a daily basis.

Let's see...today we met some friends at McDonald's. We came home and I barbequed steak and chicken. And let me just say that since we have acquired this grill, it has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities in the food world. Great, just what my fat ass needs. Umm, we just got out of the shower and now I'm blogging...after this I think we're gonna go play a game or something, then we'll go to bed.

Wow, bet you can't wait to tune in to read tomorrow's blog.


07 July 2005

Yaaay, we get to see Amy Grant for the 3rd time in 2 years! Next month we are taking my mom to see Amy in concert for my mom's 50th. She has been listening to Amy's music since I was about 10 years old...that's 23 years! *Damn, I feel old*

Well I asked my mom if she would like that for her birthday and she exclaimed "YES, I WOULD LOVE THAT!" ;-) So we're taking her to see Amy and getting her some jewelry...let's see my siblings (which i originally typed 'siglings' - which is pretty much how I feel about them anyway, but I digress...) beat that!

I'm such a good son.

05 July 2005

'Driving while gay...'

Really, Tony...you couldn't come up with a better name than DANILO? And what the hell were you doing in Italy??

Strange but True

>> Home >> Strange but True

Man’s licence revoked... for driving while gay


CATANIA - A Sicilian court has condemned road authorities for suspending the driving licence of a man after finding out he was gay. The court said being gay was merely "a personality disturbance" and not a psychiatric illness, and had no bearing on a person’s ability to drive.
The 23-year-old man, who was identified only as Danilo G, got into trouble with road authorities in the city of Catania after they discovered he had been exempted from military service because he was gay.
The authorities suspended his driving licence ahead of further evaluation of his "suitability" to take the wheel.
The man’s lawyer, Giuseppe Lipera, denounced the move as "utterly scandalous and offensive" and has demanded 500,000 ($890,472) in damages. "Danilo is deeply perturbed by what has happened. He has lost his hair and is suffering shock," Lipera was quoted as saying.
In a written ruling released yesterday, the Sicilian court said: "It is clear that sexual preferences do not in any way influence a person’s ability to drive motor cars safely." The judges added that homosexuality "cannot be considered a true and proper psychiatric illness, being a mere personality disturbance".
Homosexuality is legal in Italy, but openly anti-gay comments in public from politicians and officials rarely cause a stir.


04 July 2005

22 June 2005


So at 12:30 this morning I was 1/2 awake, 1/2 asleep and then I feel something crawl across my leg. I jump out of bed and turn on the lamp. Katie was like, "WTF?" I'm tossing pillows and blankets everywhere, NOT getting back into bed until I have found what it was that was on me! I see it, then it scurries under her body pillow, so I toss that aside and then I see it again... A GOD DAMNED SUN SPIDER!!! Katie jumps up, grabs a shoe (I am ridiculously arachnaphobic) and kills it for me...then I have to get back into bed and lay there, feeling like there are spiders crawling on me...I think I finally went to sleep again around 1:45...uugghh.

I did look them up online today and found out they are NOT poisonous - they have no venoum glands. And that you should NOT kill them as they eat mites and ticks and other insects in your home. YEAH, WHATEVER! If you're a spider and you're in my bed and on ME no less, your ass is gonna be smashed, BITCH!

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19 June 2005

Copy and paste and add to my comments section...

1. Who are you?

2. Are we friends?

3. When and how did we meet?

4. Do you have a crush on me?

5. Would you kiss me?

6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

7. Describe me in one word:

8. What was your first impression?

9. Do you still think that way about me now?

10. What reminds you of me?

11. If you could give me anything what would it be?

12. How well do you know me?

13. When's the last time you saw me?

14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

15. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?

12 June 2005

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Steam man...

homemade videos (amy grant, 'hey heeeey')...

staying home from work and watching porn...

hanging out of the car window, "and isn't it ironic?"...

Southern Comfort...


drunken nights on the internet...


Casey, Mandy...

Twister (the movie)...

The Exorcist...(I wasn't allowed to go home that night)


Cross Country...


Spherion...(for a number of reasons)

being dragged to softball games...

chasing amy...


08 June 2005

The Sky Is Falling

" A piece of up there just landed down here...the sky is falling!" Remember that episode of The Golden Girls?"


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07 June 2005

Music just doesn't get any better than this

Artist: Geto Boys
Song: Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta

Verse 1

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
A real gangsta-ass nigga plays his cards right
A real gangsta-ass nigga never runs his fuckin mouth
Cuz real gangsta-ass niggas don't start fights
And niggas always gotta high cap
Showin' all his boys how he shot em
But real gangsta-ass niggas don't flex nuts
Cuz real gangsta-ass niggas know they got em
And everythings cool in the mind of a gangsta
Cuz gangsta-ass niggas think deep
Up three-sixty-five a year 24/7
Cuz real gangsta ass niggas don't sleep

And all I gotta say to you
Wannabe, gonnabe, cocksuckin', pussy-eatin' prankstas
Cuz when the fry dies down what the fuck you gonna do
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Verse 2

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
Feedin' the poor and hepin out wit they bills
Although I was born in Jamaica
Now I'm in the US makin' deals
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
I mean one that you don't really know
Ridin' around town in a drop-top Benz
Hittin' switches in my black six-fo'
Now gangsta-ass niggas come in all shapes and colors
Some got killed in the past
But this gangtsa here is a smart one
Started living for the lord and I'll last

Now all I gotta say to you
Wannabe, gonnabe, pussy-eatin' cocksuckin' prankstas
When the shit jumps off what the fuck you gonna do
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Verse 3

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
A real gangta-ass nigga knows the play
Real gangsta-ass niggas get the flyest of the bitches
Ask that gangsta-ass nigga Little Jake
Now bitches look at gangsta-ass niggas like a stop sign
And play the role of Little Miss Sweet
But catch the bitch all alone get the digit take her out
and then dump-hittin' the ass with the meat
Cuz gangsta-ass niggas be the gang playas
And everythings quiet in the clique
A gangsta-ass nigga pulls the trigger
And his partners in the posse ain't tellin' off shit
Real gangsta-ass niggas don't talk much
All ya hear is the black from the gun blast
And real gangsta-ass niggas don't run for shit
Cuz real gangsta-ass niggas can't run fast
Now when you in the free world talkin' shit do the shit
Hit the pen and let the mothafuckas shank ya
But niggas like myself kick back and peep game
Cuz damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Verse 4

And now, a word from the President!
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
Gettin voted into the White House
Everything lookin good to the people of the world
But the Mafia family is my boss
So every now and then I owe a favor gettin' down
like lettin' a big drug shipment through
And send 'em to the poor community
So we can bust you know who
So voters of the world keep supportin' me
And I promise to take you very far
Other leaders better not upset me
Or I'll send a million troops to die at war
To all you Republicans, that helped me win
I sincerely like to thank you
Cuz now I got the world swingin' from my nuts
And damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Your Linguistic Profile:

80% General American English

10% Upper Midwestern

5% Dixie

5% Yankee

0% Midwestern

30 May 2005

Another G-Damn survey!

Tagged yet AGAIN by Bansidhe...

1. First name: Mikal

2. Were you named after anyone? My dad and my grandpa.

3. Do you wish on stars? I do. I believe...

4. When did you last cry? I don't cry out loud. I keep it inside. I've learned how to hide my feelings.

5. Do you like your handwriting? I've got the hand writing of a serial killer.

6. What is your favorite lunch meat? Ham

7. What is your birth date? The date on which I was born.

8. What is your most embarrassing moment? When we worked at Spherion, I was making a reservation for this guy and I was giving him his conf. # and he was repeating it back to me and I said, "b" and he said, "like brass" and I said, "yep, like the fish." He had a good laugh at that and I felt so stupid! Yes, I corrected myself but the damage was done.

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends
with yourself?

10. Are you a daredevil? I'd be more of one if my wife would let me. I would love to go sky diving and ride INSANITY on the Stratosphere Tower. For now I satisfy my craving on roller coasters.

11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Yeah, I think so.

12. Do looks matter? Well, it helps not to be a hunch back and cross eyed and have one arm shorter than the other. You better be pretty G-damn funny and have lots of money!

13. How do you release anger? I slowly open the cage door and let it fly out really fast, but I don't open the window. That way when it slams into the glass I can laugh at it. Oh man, that really makes me feel better.

14. Where is your second home? We've got it narrowed down to: Dubai, Antilles Islands or someplace on the south china sea.

15. Do you trust others too easily? I used to. But I got tired of having to dig all the daggers out of my back. I have spent litterally hundreds of dollars on plastic surgery to get rid of the scars. ("take my scars, Manon") Tony will appreciate that. ;-)

16. What was your favorite toy as a child? Well, I remember liking the snow cone maker.

17. What class in high school do you think was totally
Algebra. I never did get the hang of it and wound up taking "consumer math" classes to make up the credits.

18. Do you have a journal? You're reading it now.

19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Well, if you're gonna use anybody, Sarcasm is the one.

20. What is your favorite movie? If it had to be only one...I hate this question...there are at least 9 I LOVE...but, Delores Claiborne is at the top of my list.

21. What are your nicknames? See below survey, 1st question.

22. Would you bungee jump? Yes.

23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? That's like asking, "do you undress before you shower?" :::see question 19:::

24. Do you think that you are strong? Strong enough.

25. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Triple chocolate chunk.

26. Shoe size? 9.

27. What are your favorite colors? Black, midnight blue.

28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? See below survey, 4th question.

29. What do you miss most? Trivial Pursuit questions.

30. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it
Bitches better!

31. What color pants are you wearing? Right now I'm wearing grey sweat shorts.

32. What are you listening to right now? The fan on the computer, Seamus yelling at the dogs.

33. Last thing you ate? A scabmled egg, bacon and cheese burrito.

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Plum

35. What is the weather like right now?
Temperature: 81°F
Conditions: Fair
Winds: VAR 3 MPH
Relative Humidity: 21%
Barometer: 29.96 Steady
Visibility: 10.00 Miles
Feels Like: 78°F

36. Last person you talked to on the phone? "I'm talkin' to your mom, she says FUCK YOU!" Excerpt from a little road rage incident last year.

38. Do you like the person who sent this to you? My wife? Yeah, she's alright. *wink*

39. How are you today? This should have been the first question. I was in a much better mood 39 questions ago!

40. Favorite Drink? Southern Comfort Kamakazee. Mmmm, tastes just like fruit loops.

41. Favorite Sport: Pocket pool.

42. Hair Color? Dark auburn, light brown

43. Eye Color? Vibrant brown

44. Do you wear contacts? Yes.

45. Favorite Food? Seafood.

46. Last Movie You Watched? The Notebook.

47. Favorite Day of the Year? Saturday. (you ever watched those really old epidsodes of Family Feud?) Nah, I'd have to say Christmas day.

48. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Well, considering there really hasn't been a decent scary movie since "The Exorcist," I'd have to say happy endings.

49. Summer or winter? Fall.

50. Hugs or kisses? Both.

51. What is Your Favorite Dessert? Lemon Merengue pie!

52. Who is Most Likely to Respond? Tony

53. Who is Least Likely to Respond? Wilder...she doesn't respond to much these days.

54. Where Would You Want to Go on your Next Vacation? Next month we're going to Knott's and then to the beach on Coronado Island. YES!

27 May 2005

I tried to run, but...tagged again.

Three names you go by (that won't give away your identity):Boodaddy, Honeydew Melon, BearClaw

Three screen names you've had:Boodaddy72, Boodaddy910, mgrace

Three physical things you like about yourself:Eyes, smile, hair

Three physical things you don't like about yourself:fat ass, beer belly, thighs (but I'm working on it!)

Three parts of your heritage:Irish, Mexican, Cherokee Indian

Three things you are wearing right now:Muscle tee, shorts...

Three favorite bands / musical artists:See survey below...

Three favorite songs:The Water (Amy Grant); You Take My Breath Away (Sarah Brightman); Satellites (Ricki Lee Jones)

Three things you want in a relationship:Trust, personality, sense of humor

Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you:Chest, eyes, smile

Three of your favorite hobbies:Ghost hunting, sleeping, photography

Three things you want to do really badly right now:Go to San Diego, Be in a movie, be on a boat in the middle of a lake (or...be in a movie that takes place on a boat on a lake in San Diego...or would that be the ocean? Either one.)

Three things that scare you:Spiders, our government, elderly people (see below)

Three of your everyday essentials:Katie, Seamus, Liam

Three careers you have considered / are considering:pilot, singer, actor

Three places you want to go on vacation:New England, London, Bahamas

Three kids' names you like:Gillian, Declan, Brandon

Three things you want to do before you die:Star in a major motion picture, make a cd, go to England

Three ways you are stereotypically a boy:I hate the mall, i like tools, I have a penis

Three ways you are stereotypically a girl:Umm...I scream when I see a spider?

Three celeb crushes:Drew Barrymore, Julia Roberts

26 May 2005

Okay, Tony tagged me..I guess I can play along, too.

10 albums I really dig:
1. rock of ages...hymns & faith - amy grant
2. legacy...hymns & faith - amy grant
3. greatest hits 1986-2004 - amy grant
4. she's so unusual - cyndi lauper
5. mothers heaven - texas
6. harem - sarah brightman
7. breakfast in america - supertramp
8. purple rain sndtrk - prince
9. flying cowboys - ricki lee jones
10. cosmic thing - b52's

5 Bands/Singers I Hate:
1. p-diddy
2. michael bolton(I DO NOT celebrate his entire catalogue!)
3. usher
4. toby keith
5. anything hip hop/rap

5 Bands/Singers I Love:
1. amy grant
2. cyndi lauper (at this point it's more LIKE than love)
3. sarah brightman
4. fleetwood mac
5. cowboy junkies

5 Movies that I hate:
1. moulin rouge (only liked the last part, where they sing come what may)
2. the grudge
3. the ring
4. the professional
5. A.I.

5 movies that I love:
or in my case, 9 movies that I would hate to be without...
1. the color purple
2. ever after
3. erin brockovich
4. shawshank redemption
5. steel magnolias
6. lord of the rings
7. harry potter
8. serial mom
9. drop dead gorgeous

5 books I would reccomend:
1. entire Harry Potter series
2. the hobbit
3. illusions
4. conversations with God
5. phantoms

5 Favorite T.V. Shows:
1. family guy
2. extreme makeover: home edition
3. house hunters
4. who wants to be a millionaire
5. simpsons

5 Favorite Video Games Of All Time:
1. myst
2. super mario bro's

5 Funniest People:
1. Margaret Cho
2. Ellen DeGeneres
3. my wife :-)
4. Chris Rock
5. john leguizamo

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Favorite superhero? bionic woman
Favorite underpants and sock color? white and white
Favorite TV show when you were a kid? little house on the prairie
Most embarrassing album you ever bought? I wouldn't necessarily called it ebarrassing, but France Joli, specifically Tonight
Worst hair disaster? had spiked hair with a tail when I was 12!
Favorite flower? bird of paradise
Best halloween costume you ever wore? one that my wife made...scarecrow
Favorite subject at school? Drama
The Simpsons or Family Guy? it's close, but probably Family Guy
Favorite sandwich filling/favorite thing to eat on toast? Sloppy Joe's and Cheese (tony's answer and I also like that). I also love strawberry preserves.
Worst advice you've ever been given? I'll have to come back to this one...
If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only be with one person who would you want that person to be? Katie
Favorite Beer?: Killian's Red
What are your favorite recipes? Lasagne and Meat Loaf
Favorite South Park character? Eric Cartman
Favorite joke? George Bush
Favorite chat up line? ?
What are you most afraid of? spiders
Favorite elderly person? I don't like ANY elderly people
Who would you most like to throw lemons at? elderly people
You're stranded on an island with your friends....which one would you eat first? Well, Tony is my only friend, so I guess I'd starve to death.
Letterman or Leno? Letterman...Leno is an ass hat.
What position do you sleep in? toss back and forth between left and right side. I have got to get a sleep number bed!
Which do you prefer steak or seafood? Seafood
Who is your favorite friend from “friends”? Phoebe
Daffy Duck or Donald Duck? Daffy
What is your best stock tip? SELL SELL SELL
Do you or have you ever slept with a stuffed animal? What are they?? My mom says when I was very young, I had a bunch of different stuffed animals and when she tucked me in at night, she would have to kiss all the animals goodnight, too or I wouldn't go to sleep. Doesn't that make you want to spit up?
How many flips have you done off a diving board? At one time? One.
Favorite pet of all time? My two dogs, Skeeto and Blackie
Top 3 favorite players in each category:MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA? I don't do sports
Waffles or pancakes? Waffles
Would you rather freeze to death or burn? Freeze....I could just fall asleep and go quietly
Is Paige Davis the hottest tv personality ever? Umm, no.
Which is better Jack in the Box or Burger King tacos? Neither
What singer would you like to perform with? Amy Grant
What’s your movie fantasy? To one day soon have a speaking role in a major motion picture.

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Why did America have to vote for Carrie? Well, the country music industry is rejoicing...or maybe not. Pop/Rock could have really used someone like Bo. But I expect his album to be out soon and it's gonna rock! I'll never hear anything Carrie does 'cause I don't listen to country music. Country artists are a dime a dozen, but true talent like Bo Bice...rare. He's a TRUE performer! Probably best he come in 2nd anyway...he's not tied down to a million dollar contract. He can do what he wants. Maybe he'll be signed for a FIVE million dollar contract 'cause the powers-that-be know he's worth every penny.

25 May 2005

Another film

Got to be an extra on another film over the weekend in Phoenix. Was filmed at City Hall downtown. Film is Diablita

Was fun. A LOT of sitting around staring at the floor, but that's the business.
Submitting now for another film called Silver Hollow. Will be filmed in Bisbee, Phoenix and wilderness area around Prescott, Arizona. I'll keep you upated.


I am SO rooting for Bo Bice! He's awesome. Consistently great vocals. Carrie is nice, but who needs another LeAnn Rimes or Martina McBride? Stay tuned for tonight's results.

17 May 2005

The Movie SUCKED!

Okay, so...last night we went to Pima College for the screening of all the student films that have been made throughout the year, including one that I was in. There were 4 films shown, then intermission, then the remaining 6 films. Our film was shown 2nd. Let me tell you, I'm really sorry I had anything to do with it. IT SUCKED! The sound was aweful, the lighting was horrible...the people he chose to be in this film had never been in a movie...this was their first foray into the acting world...and believe me, IT SHOWED! Myself and one other actor totally carried this film, and I'm NOT just saying that because I think that I'm all that.
And the editing. OH MY GOD! Did he (the director who shall not be named) even have his eyes open when he was editing this film??? It was so choppy. Most of the scenes were cut. Scenes that we took an entire day to shoot, over and over and over...cut. gone. The way he sliced and diced this film made it so nobody could understand what the fuck it was even about! Never again, I say. Don't call me for your next production.
And then! Get this...my son was also in the film for a brief moment and he was totally cut out...didn't even make the credits - broke his heart. My wife edited the whole fucking script and even rewrote a page (this is a guy who is French and can barely speak a word of English)...and the dip shit didn't even include her in the credits after assuring me he would. But maybe that's for the best...I don't know that I'd want my name attached to this trainwreck.
It really really sucked and here were all these other films that were so good compared to this piece of shit.
Well, we didn't stay past intermission. The embarassment and rage was just too great. So me and the wife took our kids to Tony Roma's to eat away the nights frustrations.

To quote Statler & Waldorf (Muppets):

"I've seen detergents leave a better film than this!"

16 May 2005

Gay Catholics Denied Communion

ST. PAUL, Minn. (May 16) - A Roman Catholic priest denied communion to more than 100 people Sunday, saying they could not receive the sacrament because they wore rainbow-colored sashes to church to show support for gay Catholics.

Okay, so...do all the Catholic child molesters get to take communion?

I fucking HATE religion so much!!!!!

Yeah, and after that priest denied communion to hundreds of people because he got a letter in the mail saying God had died and left HIM in charge...he finished his sermon, left the building, and went home to beat his wife and kids and then left them in tears while he went out and whored around with his mistress. God bless 'em!

Another note: Why do all gay people want to belong to organized religion? If a gay person truly wanted to be a devout Catholic, then they would have to deny their homosexuality and live a miserable existence. Just let the churches do their thing, and go on and live your lives.

To quote Sam Phillips, from her song "I Need Love"...

"I need God, NOT the political church."

15 May 2005

Keeping it Real, Part II

Wow! What an awesome workshop that turned out to be! If you are an actor, and you stumble across this blog and you want the chance to study with the best casting director/acting coach around...you NEED to contact Lisa. She taught us so many valuable tools to use on our auditions. I feel there is NOTHING I cannot do now. I'm ready to conquer the world! No more nervousness, no more wondering "oh my God, what if they hate my cold read?" Walk in, smile, be yourself and tell the story that is in your hand. That's all it is folks! The writer has written something and wants the casting director to find the best storyteller out there. SO BE THE ONE TO BOOK IT!

I'm off to L.A. now.


14 May 2005

"Keeping it Real"

So, Sunday I have a 6-hour acting workshop to go to. It's called Keeping It Real. Lisa Pantone, a casting director from L.A., will be the instructor. I'm really looking forward to this. I've read some testimonials from people who have taken her workshop and have gone on to a successful acting career. She teaches the art of "keeping it real" - it has to be believable or the audience isn't going to buy it. She also teaches how to give a fantastic audition, what casting directors, like herself, are looking for. I hope to walk out of that class ready to take on Hollywood, armed with a shit-load of brand new ammunition!
Now if I can just figure out HOW to get to Hollywood. Tucson sucks! There isn't shit here to do. My wife and I talk nightly about how awesome it would be to be able to just pick up and leave this ghost town. She has things she wants to do, and I have things I want to do, but Tucson is not the place where we can do these things. And it's not like we can just pick up and go. We'll just keep playing the lottery twice a week...we're bound to win eventually.

She works with this guy who is an extremely talented musician, singer/songwriter. He gave us a copy of his cd, and let me tell you, it's awesome! You know that's always such an uncomfortable situtation to be in. When a friend says to you, 'here, listen to my cd and tell me what you think.' How do you tell him/her that they suck?! But thankfully, not him. He's awesome and I love this cd! I feel so bad for him 'cause he's stuck working in a call center. I wish I knew somebody who could get his music out there for people to hear.

Did I mention how much Tucson sucks?

11 May 2005

Three Wishes

I can't wait for this show! It sounds kinda like Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Now who can watch that one without crying from beginning to end?

Amy plans to host a new Reality TV Pilot called "Three Wishes."

The premise of the new special / backdoor pilot on NBC is an unscripted format in which Grant will lead a team of experts to a small town to help make the hopes and unbelievable dreams come true for deserving people.

The show is called "Three Wishes".

Jeff Gaspin, President, NBC Universal Cable Entertainment & Cross-Platform Strategy, who made the announcement said:
Everyone secretly wants the chance to fulfill a lifelong wish that seems beyond their grasp -- and this show will help transform those dreams into a life-changing reality.

Word and NBC states that the full spectrum of wishes ranges from paying tribute to an unsung hero to helping a hopeless family in the grip of a member's life-threatening medical crisis.

Also included: living out a mind-blowing sports fantasy, helping to save a dedicated teacher's job, keeping a factory that provides jobs open as it teeters on the brink of closing down - and even saving a desperate local economy on the verge of slipping into debt.

Amy Grant said about the show:
I met with the producers and was captivated by the stories, which I'm not supposed to talk about because it's like telling what the end of the book is.

Everything this show is about are things that are important to me that I invest my personal time and energy in.

I was extremely moved by NBC and the production company's concept to provide incredibly positive changes in the lives of different people.

Seeing the initial prep work the producers had done for the pilot episode gave me reason to look at my own life -- and remind myself, once again, to never underestimate the impact that one life can have on another.

I knew that whoever wound up hosting this show was going to have a front-row seat to some pretty amazing interaction with some very deserving people.

I'm so glad my name was thrown into the pot and I look forward to working with NBC Universal Television Studio and executive producer Andrew Glassman -- and I hope that together, we are able to make a lot of dreams come true.

Each wish intends to involve a deeply personal story.

Viewers will follow the deserving families as Grant and her team of experts help revive their wishes and bring them to life.

Andrew Glassman (NBC's "Average Joe" seasons 1-4) and Jason Raff (NBC's "Average Joe" seasons 1-4) will serve as executive producers.

"Three Wishes" is executive produced by Andrew Glassman and NBC Universal Television Studio.
Glassman said:
There's an incredible diversity to the people we are going to meet and the heartwarming stories we are going to tell along the way.

We have already started to feel the magic, as people started sharing their wishes with us. While our team is there to help, ultimately, this show will be about people helping people make their wishes and dreams come true.

Production on the pilot has already begun.

Those interested in sharing their wishes with NBC are invited to log into:

God bless Amy!

So I'm currently listening to Amy Grant's new cd, "Rock of Ages...Hymns and Faith." Ya know, is it really possible for someone to get better and better with each record? Yes, it is. Amy's music continues to inspire and encourage us. Each lyric is very personal and has something to say about where in life she is right now and we get wrapped up in her music and we can relate to her struggles and her triumphs.
The first song is called "Anywhere With Jesus," and I defy anyone to listen to this and NOT rock in your seat and tap your feet and move your head from side to side. We're talking church here, folks! Down south, roof is rocking and people are praising CHURCH! I love this kind of worship service.
The 2nd song is slower, more deep and pulls on the heart strings. It makes you want to stop whatever it is you're doing and get on your knees and close your eyes and remember that we are not alone. If God brought you to it, He'll bring you through it.

Carry You by Amy Grant

Lay down your burden
I will carry you, I will carry you my child, my child
Lay down your burden
I will carry you, I will carry you my child, my child

'Cause I can walk on water
Calm a restless sea
I've done a thousand things you've never done
And I'm really watching
While you struggle on your own
Call my name, I'll come


I give vision to the blind
I can raise the dead
I've seen the darker side of hell
and I've returned
I've seen those sleepless nights
And count every tear you cry
Some lessons hurt to learn


Now I was raised Christian. Was forced to go to Church every Sunday and Wednesday night. I am not religious now and don't agree with religion. However, I am spiritual and believe in God. I don't go to church because it's nobody's business how I live my life. The only one to whom I will have to answer is the one who made me...
I am certainly not afraid to turn up my worship music and praise the Lord! I encourage you to do the same. It feels really good. ;-)

Peace and blessings...

To continue this call in English, press 1

Okay, so why in my own country do I need to press ANYTHING to continue speaking in my own language? I am so sick of being expected to change MY way of speaking just to suit some people who shouldn't even be here!

Illegal aliens here in Tucson actually have the nerve to strike and boycott because they are not getting equal rights and are not being treated fairly. HELLO YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY!! God, I cannot tell you how that pisses me off! If you are so G Damn unhappy then go the fuck back home! At least here you HAVE running water and a roof over your head so stop your fucking whining because you are being forced to speak English.

In Wisconsin, the liberal governor set up a program where ILLEGAL aliens can get state-backed loans through local banks.

This is not a program that is for everyone and is ONLY for illegal aliens.

Seems like this country is bending over backwards to help out those who are breaking the law just by being in the country and screwing everyone else who has a legal right to be here.

I remember when Spanish-speaking people, when asking for directions or the time of day or whatever, would politely ask if I spoke Spanish. Now, store clerks, people on the street, etc., will walk up to me and start rattling off in Spanish, assuming that of course I speak their language. When I tell them I don't speak it, they act annoyed and put out.

Watching the news last night, they commented on how they were trying to get something passed where voting here would be only in English. Not voting at the polls, but in city councel or somewhere...I was barely paying attention. Anyway, it was denied because they didn't want to offend illegal aliens that are here and can't speak English. Okay, keyword: ILLEGAL. NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE...UNLAWFUL. I guess I can see their point though. I mean, who would want to offend the people that are here ILLEGALLY, taking our jobs and making it so eventually we AMERICANS are the ones who will have to 'Para el engles, presione el numero 2.'

It is so difficult to get a job nowadays if you are not bilingual. I am NOT going to contribute to making it easier for Spanish speaking people NOT to learn English. Their children are taught English at school at our expense, so why speak it at home? Now mind you, I am not saying that being bilingual is a BAD thing...just don't make it a requirement.

I may sound like a racist here, and I assure you I am NOT. My dad's side of the family is Hispanic. I am specifically addressing the issue of illegal aliens. If I go over-seas to say...China or France, I will make an effort to learn enough of their language to get by while I am there. I know in France they are rude and if you can't speak French, they laugh at you. I don't boycott or strike and try to get the French govenment to change the official language of France to English just to suit ME.
And take a look at Asians who come over here to live. At least they make a concerted effort to learn English. They don't want to be stuck digging ditches or selling burritos out of the "roach coach" for a living.

That's all I've got to say about that.

10 May 2005

From now on, please call me GOD

Jesus Christ trying to obtain drivers license

This is just ridiculous. And when he gets to Heaven, Jesus will be like, "Son, what WERE you thinking? You know only one of us can have that name and I've been called that since before your world was created! Now before I let you enter these here gates, I'll have to change your name to Hislach Mionecca, which is Hebrew for 'I DON'T THINK SO...BIIIAAAATCH!'"

05 May 2005

"Extinct" bird found alive in Arkansas!

BBC News Article
A spectacular bird long thought extinct was spotted by a lone kayaker in the Big Woods of Arkansas—he said "the creature did not look quite like anything he had seen before."

03 May 2005

Amy's new cd released today!

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Yaay! I pre-ordered it two weeks ago, so in a few days I'll have the "special collector's edition" which includes a booklet with Amy's bio and a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the new record. :-) I think I'll make a copy and send it to Tony - another one of her #1 fans.

01 May 2005

One more Amy Grant meeting

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So last night turned out to be pretty nice. We arrived at 5:30 and looked around at all the stuff they had up for auction. There were about 600 items! I came across an autographed t-shirt and cd from Amy Grant. Minimum bid was $40, so I figured what the hell. I placed my bid, checked it a while later and I had been outbid by at least 4 other people. More power to 'em! That's ok though, I still got an autograph AND a picture! :-)
Welll, they made us all walk around until 8 o'clock, at which time they finally opened up the doors to the ballroom. Our feet were hurting SO fucking badly. We were both wearing boots. The dress code was dressy/casual/cowboy/shiek. Most everybody was wearing cowboy boots, jeans, hats. We took the "dressy/casual" route.
Anyway, the ballroom was spectacular. This was at the Westin La Paloma hotel, by the way. The ballroom was very well decorated, the food was awesome! But the best part of the evening was the hour-long performace by Amy Grant. She has been lending her talent and time to this cause for 10 years now! As I mentioned in my previous blog, this is all to raise money for the Ara Parseghian research to find a cure for Niemann-pick type C disease that has claimed the lives of 2 of the 4 children of the Parseghian family. One of the daughters, a 16 year old girl, is suffering from the disease now, and they fear she will not last much longer. They will then be left with 1 child. One child out of 4. Tell me that aint fucked up!
So, anyway. Amy did her thing and afterward she signed a few autographs and posed for a few pictures, despite having to leave to go to the airport to be home in TN for her daughter's confirmation the next morning. This is the 2nd meeting with her and she's always so cool! That's why we love Amy Grant. She hasn't let fame and fortune go to her head. She hasn't forgotten who it is that has gotten her to where she is today. The fans. Cyndi Lauper couldn't give a shit. But that's another story altogether.
On another topic, today I finished shooting the final scenes for a student film in which I star. It's called Saving Hector. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product. We will go to the screening on May 16th. Well, peace and blessing my friends!

30 April 2005

"One More Victory, Ara"

So check it out! I had to be the 12th caller the other day to win a pair of tickets to tonight's gala event, and I totally won! *Thanks to 94.9 Mix Fm* (Which includes a silent auction, dinner and entertainment) There was no other way we (my wife and I)would have been able to go, as tickets are $250 each! However, the money goes toward a good cause. http://www.parseghian.org/apmrfweb/
I'm doubly excited that we are going because Amy Grant is going to be tonight's entertainment!
Okay, I'll tell you all about it later. Bye for now! ;-)