23 August 2005

Judges Rule Same-Sex Couples Are Lawful Parents

SAN FRANCISCO (Aug. 23) - In the latest ruling to recognize rights of same-sex couples, the California Supreme Court has said gay and lesbian couples who raise children are lawful parents and must provide for their children if they break up.

...Being a legal parent "brings with it the benefits as well as the responsibilities," said Justice Joyce Kennard.

...However, groups opposing gay marriage decried the justices' actions.

"Today's ruling defies logic and common sense by saying that children can have two moms," said attorney Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel. "That policy establishes that moms and dads as a unit are irrelevant when it comes to raising children."

People always have to make it about themselves and their beliefs. I say to these people, 'go fuck yourselves!' If you don't believe in gay marriage, then good for you, but that's not what this case is about. It's about protecting the children - period! It doesn't matter if it's two men, two women or a man and a woman, if there's a child involved then it's the parents responsibility to provide for that child.
I'm glad CA is holding these parents accountable. If you run off and leave your partner, shame on you. But if you run off and leave your child, that is unacceptable and you must continue to care for that child until such time that child becomes a legal adult. You had just as much to do with conceiving that child as your partner did, and now that you no longer want to be a part of that, you can't just walk away. (...Being a legal parent "brings with it the benefits as well as the responsibilities," said Justice Joyce Kennard.) --->from above.

Maybe ya'll will think twice before jumping into that relationship and having a child. Cause, yeah...it's actually work. It's not a game.