22 June 2005


So at 12:30 this morning I was 1/2 awake, 1/2 asleep and then I feel something crawl across my leg. I jump out of bed and turn on the lamp. Katie was like, "WTF?" I'm tossing pillows and blankets everywhere, NOT getting back into bed until I have found what it was that was on me! I see it, then it scurries under her body pillow, so I toss that aside and then I see it again... A GOD DAMNED SUN SPIDER!!! Katie jumps up, grabs a shoe (I am ridiculously arachnaphobic) and kills it for me...then I have to get back into bed and lay there, feeling like there are spiders crawling on me...I think I finally went to sleep again around 1:45...uugghh.

I did look them up online today and found out they are NOT poisonous - they have no venoum glands. And that you should NOT kill them as they eat mites and ticks and other insects in your home. YEAH, WHATEVER! If you're a spider and you're in my bed and on ME no less, your ass is gonna be smashed, BITCH!

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