16 May 2005

Gay Catholics Denied Communion

ST. PAUL, Minn. (May 16) - A Roman Catholic priest denied communion to more than 100 people Sunday, saying they could not receive the sacrament because they wore rainbow-colored sashes to church to show support for gay Catholics.

Okay, so...do all the Catholic child molesters get to take communion?

I fucking HATE religion so much!!!!!

Yeah, and after that priest denied communion to hundreds of people because he got a letter in the mail saying God had died and left HIM in charge...he finished his sermon, left the building, and went home to beat his wife and kids and then left them in tears while he went out and whored around with his mistress. God bless 'em!

Another note: Why do all gay people want to belong to organized religion? If a gay person truly wanted to be a devout Catholic, then they would have to deny their homosexuality and live a miserable existence. Just let the churches do their thing, and go on and live your lives.

To quote Sam Phillips, from her song "I Need Love"...

"I need God, NOT the political church."