26 May 2005

Image hosted by Photobucket.comLook, I'm every girl you've ever seen before...wanna see me shake my ass? Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Why did America have to vote for Carrie? Well, the country music industry is rejoicing...or maybe not. Pop/Rock could have really used someone like Bo. But I expect his album to be out soon and it's gonna rock! I'll never hear anything Carrie does 'cause I don't listen to country music. Country artists are a dime a dozen, but true talent like Bo Bice...rare. He's a TRUE performer! Probably best he come in 2nd anyway...he's not tied down to a million dollar contract. He can do what he wants. Maybe he'll be signed for a FIVE million dollar contract 'cause the powers-that-be know he's worth every penny.