26 April 2006

Halle Heart Museum

That is where we went last Friday with Seamus' and another class on their field trip, up to Phoenix to the Halle Heart Musuem. It was actually very interesting and informative. It sure made us take a look at the way we eat and we've definitely changed our eating habits since. You should eat no more than 65g of fat/day. We got to see clogged arteries full of plaque and fat, and what happens once your arteries get too clogged - stroke and heart attack. But eating healthy and getting plenty of excercise will help reduce that risk.

("cause damnit, Tony...I wanna be your friend forever!") LOL :-)

Planet Feedback

So I wrote P-Noble another letter, this time via Planet feedback. They responded within 2 days with, "I'm really sorry you're having so much trouble with your phone. What we can do for you is go ahead and let you upgrade to a different phone for $59.99 (regular price $99.99) . That's applying the $50 from your other phone toward this one plus $10...how does that sound?"

Well, it sounds better than your other offer, but still not acceptable. How about you let me pay $49.99 for the new phone? That's applying the $50 from the broken phone toward this one and NOT paying an addt'l $10...or will that cause P-Noble to completely go under and out of business?

I'm going to the mall today to look at the other phone (Nokia 6101) and then I'm gonna call mr. customer relations back and we'll see how it goes.

13 April 2006

Response to P-Noble letter...

So they responded with: "You can send in your current phone and get another one of the same model...it may be new or refurbished, or you can do a handset upgrade for the full price of $199. Those are really your only two options."

Excuse me but no, those are NOT my only two options just because you say they are.

Time to write another letter and another and another until they fix this problem without me having to pay another dime!

10 April 2006

l...is how many bars I get on my cell phone.

My wife wrote a letter to our cell phone company, who we will refer to as P-Noble.
Sadly, they have yet to respond. So to all who read this, if you're thinking about going to P-Noble for your cell phone service, please save your time and your money and go elsewhere.
Below is the letter:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I recently upgraded my phone with the agreement that I would extend my contract for another two years. Not having had any previous issues with my phone or my service, I readily agreed to this extension. I paid additional money to upgrade said phone with the expectation that it would function consistently and without interruption. Since receiving the phone, I have had more dropped calls than successfully completed ones, and the only thing that has been consistent is the inability to complete a telephone conversation.

I spoke with --- the supervisor today who informed me that since this was “day 15” of my 14 day “buyer’s remorse period” there was nothing that could be done, which is in direct opposition to what -------’s supervisor, ----------, said. You see, --------- works in your outsourcing call center and gave misinformation when he said I could exchange my phone at a "P*Noble" store and instructed me to contact him directly if there was any problem (even though I purchased the phone directly through customer “care”). This all came as a bit of a surprise to me as I was never made aware of any such “buyer’s remorse period” and I find this to be not only ridiculous, but completely arbitrary. I was then told by --- that since it is “scripted” into what is said in the call, I would have certainly been told about it.

With all due respect, I am a veteran of customer service and call center culture, and I find the entire situation to be nothing more than a tool for corporate divisiveness. Tell me, what would happen if a shoddily constructed phone were to be replaced outside of the “buyer’s remorse period”? Will the entire species be damned to extinction? Is it the never before revealed “fifth horseman of the apocalypse”? Was it chiseled into the third tablet that Moses dropped on his way up the hill?

Seriously, the phone doesn’t work. I pay my bills in full and on time. I can’t even get a signal in my driveway on a cloudless day. My wife has never had a problem with her phone or her service and, based on comparison, her phone consistently maintains a much stronger signal. The problem clearly lies within the phone. The solution is simple. I want a new and different phone with an absolutely ironclad guarantee that it will work. I will not accept a refurbished phone because I have already paid for a new one. Unless this happens in a timely fashion, the only “remorse” I will have will be from signing up with "P*Noble" in the first place.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.


M---- M------

This letter was also copied to the President/CEO and VP of "P-Noble." I'll let you know :::call dropped:::

"Stop playing on the phone...!"

Is what a Detroit 911 operator kept telling a 5-year-old boy who called twice to say that his mommy had passed out. The mom ended up dying because the dispatcher was too G-damn lazy to do her fucking job. A lawsuit has been filed.

I hope they not only throw the book at her, but beat her soundly with it as well!