When there is nowhere left to go, and you have lost everything.
When family and friends cannot be there. Cries for help fall on deaf ears - they cannot understand - how does this happen?
When family and friends cannot be there. Cries for help fall on deaf ears - they cannot understand - how does this happen?
There is a lighthouse on the hill.
For those who are having difficulty with life's everyday challenges like the ravages of alcohol or drugs.
Or maybe the war veteran who fought for our freedom - forgotten by our society - or maybe something as small as a tank of gas.
There is a lighthouse on the hill.
Where you are welcomed with loving smiles from people who are not judgemental.
For me - it was my only hope - I had nothing left. My only thought of survival became the shelter from the storm.
I could not have ever imagined this place, this refuge.
Like strangers in the night, I take my son with fear and anticipation; we walk the steps to the shelter.
With loss of hope and wonder - what will we do now?
Then a ray of hope, a light, a welcome voice a smile, a warm bed and food on the table.
A chance to start anew.
We have a new home, a new family, and new friends to make and meet.
People of all backgrounds with stories to tell; people like me.
Counselors who were once strangers are now a part of our lives, part of our family.
They unselfishly give; they work hard for all of us, always with a smile, always out of love.
How are we so blessed to be part of such a wonderful place?
To me, this shelter from the storm will always be remembered - will never be forgotten.
So long as I live, may I give back in order to help those whose shoes I've walked in.
In a sometimes cold world, don't tell me that angels don't exist, for I know
that my place of refuge, my shelter from the storm, will always be remembered as my lighthouse on the hill - Durango Community Shelter.
~~~written by my mom (Rhonda Brown) 11/13/07