22 January 2008

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

The world lost a great actor today.

As Mel Gibson stated: "I had great hope for him, he was just taking off."

My prayers go out to his family.

21 January 2008

Went to see the screening of Longshot Saturday morning. Overall, it turned out to be better than any of us expected it to be. I wouldn't say go out and spend $9.75 but it's definitely worth seeing at a matinee showing, especially since it's only around 84 minutes.

The acting was good to very good. One of my favorite lines in the movie (I won't tell you where in the movie) is when Sam (Jeremy Renner) says to Newkin (Richard Kind) "how about a little dinner before you fuck me..." LOL

I was somewhat visible in one exterior airport shot as a guy who is pushing a wheelchair.

We saw the unedited version which wasn't too terrible, but I'm looking forward to seeing the final copy. That should be available later this fall.

12 January 2008

Photoshop has become my best good friend... Here is Seamus & Liam at CA Adventure last year. I made the background b&w and kept them in color. Pretty cool huh? :-)

10 January 2008

Hi all! So the screening of Mary Shelley's The Last Man has been moved to the 23rd of Feb. I'm really excited to see it! Also, the movie that I was in last year called Snappers but renamed to Longshot, will have a special free screening on the 19th of this month. I was in 4 different scenes so I hope I will be featured in at LEAST one of them!

On the 18th of this month I will be 36. Can't believe I'm almost 40, but that's the new 30, right? :-)

So check it: Katie and Patrick's book is now on Barnes & Noble's website, available for pre-order...get out your credit cards and order bitches! :-)
Barnes & Noble.com - Books: Scare-Izona, by Katie Mullaly, Paperback

I start school on the 22nd...getting all of my general education classes out of the way so that in 2 years I can start the nursing program. God I can't wait to get my nursing degree! Hopefully I can get a job in March at one of the hospitals and then they will pay for my schooling. Woo Hoo!

Peace be with you.

01 January 2008