25 May 2006



I'm so glad he won. If Katharine McPhee would have, I would have cried.

20 May 2006

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For 8 years they were a part of our lives...they made us laugh...they made us cry. Now the moment has passed and we must move on. We loved them and will they will be missed immensely.


10 May 2006

Katharine McPhuck You!

I hate her. Yes hate is a strong word and I mean every character...I won't say that I wish her ill will or that she fails in everything she tries to do, 'cause that's just putting bad ju ju on myself...but you get the idea without me actually saying it.

She sucks! How can anyone so untalented as she...miss her fucking lyrics two weeks in a row and be kept OVER CHRIS?! She sucks!

She just flashes her boobies and bats her eye lashes and she's in the game. She sucks!

I was so sure that Chris was going to win and so did a lot of other people...including him. Did you see the look on his face when Ryan told him he was going home? Yeah, I would have slapped the shit outta Katharine before I walked off of the stage. She sucks!

But he WILL prevail. Oh yes, it's just a matter of time before we hear him on the radio. I'm pretty sure Katharine won't even be approached to sing the jingle for a Toilet Wand commercial.


05 May 2006

Shout out to Fry's!

Okay, so recently we just really grew tired of people sitting on the patio furniture outside of the entrance to our local Fry's store and smoking. It's really gross having to walk through a cloud of smoke before going into the grocery store. So we took it upon ourselves to send in a comment card asking Mr. Fry if there was anything that could be done about this...

Two days ago when we went to get some groceries, there on the table next to the front door is a NO SMOKING IN THIS AREA sign. WAY COOL! It feels really good to know that YOU are the one who made a difference. (katie wrote the letter btw so gotta give her props.) :-)

Peace. (and fresh air)

03 May 2006

Stick it to the MAN!

So...Here is the final outcome of the "P-Noble" situation. We were at the mall about a week ago, and I decided to stop by the T-Mobile Solutions kiosk and talk to them to see if there was anything they could do for me (they are different than the people at 611 - Customer Care).

Well, after about an hour of talking to them about marriage counseling (his, not mine), DUI's (again, his not mine), a Hooter's birthday party for a 10-year-old (yeah, a bunch of real nice guys we were dealing with...) Anyway, I finally decided on getting a brand new Motorola V188 phone (which I'm loving, btw) for $10! Yeah, ten dollars...you heard me right. We caught the tail-end of a special they were running. AND, I sold that other piece of shit on Ebay for $89! May the lucky bidder have a more pleasant experience with that phone than I did...

So...all's well that ends well.
