23 February 2006

My My, How Can I Resist Ya?

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We got our tickets in the mail and we're really going...YAAAAAAAAAAAY! :-)
This will be a birthday present for Katie and for me...since I kinda got jipped! (how DO you spell that anyway? I've never had to spell that before.)

I'll let you know how it was...

2000 SUCKS

That is how I am referring to this year so far. What with the appendectomy and all...as if that wasn't enough, now I had to go see the doctor yesterday because one of the veins in my left arm is swollen and it hurts. She said I have phlebitis. A blood clot is normally not present with phlebitis but I have to go for an ultrasound on Monday just to rule it out. I'm also on antibiotics again in case there is any infection.

Well, I'm off to a different doctor now...won't discuss that one here though.

Hope the rest of you have a good day. *sigh*

14 February 2006

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Don't forget to tell those who are special to you just how much you care for and appreciate them!

01 February 2006

So I finally got the drain removed yesterday and now I can move around freely and lay on my right side again, sans pain.

I want to take this opportunity to thank my loving wife, Katie, for staying by my side throughout this entire ordeal. At the hospital she slept (or dozed off and on) on a couch in the waiting room for probably the first two or three nights I was there. The last three nights they made my room private and brought her a cot to sleep on - God bless them! She didn't eat, slept very little, but never complained. I know I would not have made it through this had it not have been for her. I mean, the things she has had to do for me I never would have imagined, but life happens and that's just what you do for your loved ones. I had no dignity left and we can truly say that are married...I mean, when you have to wipe your spouse's ass - lilterally, there is nothing left. I love her with all my soul.