13 September 2005

Rose Gilbert 1955-2005

The woman (Rose Gilbert) who played Hannah in Simon Peter for like the past 10 years moved to NY last year to follow her acting and singing career...she was doing so well! She got to sing in Carnegie Hall and she was on top of the world...

10 days later , this past June, she was found stabbed to death in her Queens apartment.

She was so cool. We used to talk and laugh so much during the production. I had the good fortune to be in 3 of the shows with her. What a wonderful and lively spirit she was!

They had a Celebration of Life for her in July...I only JUST found out today about her death because I decided to take a look at the Simon Peter website...kinda weird, huh? I haven't been to that website since March. It sure was nice of them to send out notices to everybody informing them (us) of this...

This world sucks. People like her don't deserve to die. I mean, what sense does it make? Here she has the courage to finally leave this place to follow her dream..she's doing so well and then she gets killed. It's like a big practical joke. Well I'm not laughing. People like Rose, who are genuinely good people, set out to follow the dream that God has put in their hearts, they make it and then BAM! O0ps, sorry...you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's bullshit! People like Rose should have special divine protection surrounding them.

I don't know...I don't even know if what I'm saying right now makes sense. I'm probably just talking out of my ass. I'm really bummed now and kinda pissed off.

I pray for peace and understanding for her family.

Rose is resting peacefully now with her Heavenly Father...

LOL Going back and re-reading this post makes me laugh...could you imagine reading something like this in the paper in the obituaries section?

11 September 2005


Remember those who lost their lives...

Remember those who give up their lives every day so that we may live...

Never take freedom for granted!